2024-2025 Academic Year is CYCLE 1!

Classical Conversations communities in the domestic United States will be in cycle 1 for the 2024-2025 academic year. Please review your cart to confirm before checkout.



Sale price$10.00
113 In stock


This book is an excellent source of information designed to answer many of the common questions parents have about the classical Christian homeschool educational model. It’s a must have for any parent considering homeschooling their children classically.

    • Paperback, perfect bound
    • 110 pages
    • 2011

What families are saying:

"This was the first book I read that actually DID make homeschool seem approachable. I had felt very overwhelmed at the prospect of homeschooling before this. It is a small book and an easy read - and whether you're new to homeschooling or beginning to be asked questions by younger parents about where to start, this is a must have!" —Daniela

These products are intended for use in Classical Conversations Communities outside of the United States, or as supplements for home and not Classical Conversations Community use within the United States. To learn more about more about Classical Conversations Communities outside of the United States, please visit https://ccinternationalonline.com.

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